Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Crafting world unite...show some love for Japan.

Follow this link for a roundup of many creative and useful ways to help out our Japanes neighbours. And flood survivors in Australia, and the Christchurch earthquake survivors too!

Share the love!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Inspiration Monday

Oh boy, I've been pootling round the internets like there's no tomorrow... nothing like procrastinating on a Very Long To Do List to ramp up the browsing!!

But the upside is that I have some great things to share:

I can feel some sewing coming on, but this may just get in the way!

A nice list of fonts, both of the free and not so free kind here.

And oh! For the love of Ikea...and what we can do with it.
Also, even though it is hard to be far away and only be able to throw money at a problem to show you care...watch this. Then give. If you want.

Hmm....'Aunty'...I like it!

Oo er. I'm an Aunty!

Congratulations to my brother and his wife on their terribly cute little girl, born on Wed 16th March. May she live long and prosper...

Thursday, 3 March 2011

We all know Breast is Best!

Oh, don't we all love a bit of scare-mongering? Especially when it's both scandalising and titillating at the same time.

I am still hyperventilating at the supposedly unbiased reporting in this little article, which manages to seem both very rational, calm and fact-stating at the same time as being scandal-spreading and furore-stoking.

My problems with the article - and the related issues - are many, but the largest are these:
  • Breastmilk is designed to be drunk and ingested by humans. Baby humans, it's true, but since when does big people drinking breastmilk suddenly gross us out more than big people drinking something that comes out of the underside of a cow and is meant for baby cows?
  • If the article is read carefully, it can be deduced that the breastmilk was pasteruised before it was used, and was screened in accordance with blood donor screening tests before that. This gives it a pretty good chance that it won't have anything to 'pass on' as has been so subtly suggested.
  • Cow milk is no dirtier or cleaner. In fact, I have friends who will not now drink cow's milk, having grown up on dairy farms and having experienced for themselves how cows - and their milk - are treated.
  • Just because two puritanical, purse-lipped disapprovers complained, an interesting product that managed to be not only a dessert, but also a political statement, lifestyle statement (feminism, animal rights, the technologising of food, our squeamishness about our place in the animal kingdom - take your pick) and general shiner-of-light onto the dark corners of our ideas about ourselves has been taken off the market to be investigated.

I just hope that none of the disapproving nanny-state supporters have realised that any publicity is good publicity, and that all that they are achieving here is giving the icecreamists a goodly dose of airtime. (That's good for nipples too, you know.)